To help customers and emergency responders stay connected, local AT&T teams and our Network Disaster Recovery (NDR) team deployed a Satellite COLT (Cell on Light Truck) to the Mariposa County Fairground Command Site to support emergency communications in the area. 

This year, we’ve deployed equipment to 5 wildfires. Wildfires move quickly and it’s important we keep first responders connected while they battle blazes.

Keeping customers connected is always our priority – even more so after a disaster. Natural disasters can greatly affect communications. So our NDR team deploys network recovery equipment so our customers and first responders don’t lose connections.

The AT&T National Disaster Recovery (NDR) program is one of the industry’s largest and most advanced disaster response programs. It includes more than 320 technology and equipment trailers that can be quickly deployed to respond to disasters. The NDR team works with local AT&T network personnel, regional emergency operations centers and local response centers to keep service going until permanent repairs are made.