Where do you game? Is it in the waiting room at the doctor's office or in the terminal at the airport? Often times, gaming can feel like the outside world stops and all that matters is beating your latest score. For Cell Phone Courtsey Month and this week's Tech Etiquette lesson, we're showing you why gaming loudly in public is a major tech don't.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you're gaming in public to avoid this #TechPeeve:

  • Take a look around. You wouldn't game in church, right? Make sure your setting is appropriate and your friends or neighbors don't mind. If someone is speaking to you, respond. Don't ignore conversations and things happening outside of your game.
  • Silence your phone. No one wants to hear your phone ding, zing, buzz, blurb, ching or swoosh.
  • Don't take it too seriously. 'Nuff said - it's just a game!
  • Share. If you're hanging out with a group of friends, first try to think of games everyone can play together. If that isn't a possibility, don't forget to ask if someone else would like to try playing your game. Afterall, sharing is caring.

Check back next week for another #TechPeeve Etiquette lesson!

View last week's Tech Etiquette lesson on the phony photographer.

View our Tech Etiquette lesson on using your cell phone in public.