What would you do for a hot pizza? Dial a number?

U.S. Marines in remote Afghanistan searched the skies, watching for a promised parachute of pizza.

The pizzas landed, but in a water-filled canal. The Marines jumped in after them.

“They rescued 100 pizzas and ate every one. We just want to get a slice of home to the soldiers,” said Mark Evans, an AT&T cable splicer who started and runs Pizzas4Patriots

The nonprofit group has delivered more than 1 million slices of pizza to U.S. military members, mainly on the front lines in the Middle East. 

On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, Mark’s organization will bring 500 pizzas to 10 veterans hospitals across the United States.

Pizzas4Patriots sends the ultimate comfort food across the world on two special days: July 4 and a certain big football event. On Veterans Day, the organization focuses on wounded warriors at home. 

“When you walk in their rooms, their eyes just light up,” Mark said.

Learn how it all began with a slice by reading our complete consumer blog post.

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