Football Fans Experience Fastest 4G LTE Network at Sun Life Stadium
On January 3, Global Wireless Solutions (GWS), a leading independent benchmarking solutions vendor for the wireless industry, tested mobile coverage at the Discover Orange Bowl and found that AT&T offered the fastest 4G LTE network experience of any mobile provider at Sun Life Stadium.
- GWS collected more than 1900 samples of mobile data usage from approximately 7pm-1am EST, and the results revealed AT&T earned top marks, offering the fastest average 4G LTE upload and download speeds. More than 99.9 percent of download and upload attempts made during the event were successful on AT&T’s network.
According to GWS, here are the AT&T network numbers that topped all others:
- The average AT&T 4G LTE download speed inside Sun Life Stadium was more than 125% faster than the closest competitor’s 4G LTE download speed was inside the venue.
- The real-world difference between AT&T’s download speed and its closest competitor’s download speed is equivalent to being able to download 4 minutes of high-definition video content on AT&T’s network in 13.3 seconds vs. being able to download 4 minutes of high-definition video content on the closest competitor’s network in 33.8 seconds.
- The average AT&T 4G LTE upload speed inside Sun Life Stadium was more than 125% faster than the closest competitor’s 4G LTE upload speed was inside the venue.
- The real-world difference between AT&T’s upload speed and its closest competitor’s upload speed is equivalent to being able to upload 4 minutes of high-definition video content on AT&T’s network in 35.1 seconds vs. being able to upload 4 minutes of high-definition video content on the closest competitor’s network in 1 minute and 48 seconds.