The typical command and control approach — where employees use the technology just because it is bestowed upon them — is gone forever. Suddenly businesses have to rethink…everything. Business technology has become a seamless enabler to get work done, individually or collectively, similar to the way people use technology organically in their personal lives. To move toward this organic, connected model, businesses should consider the following:

  1. Technology is most effective when it is invisible
  2. Technology is part of the solution, but it’s also part of the problem
  3. Change begins not with technology, but with seeing this challenge differently

Workflow is imposed rather than designed to emulate how people naturally use technology for communication and global connectivity. Some strategies that can help facilitate connectedness include:

  1. Rewarding cross-team collaboration as part of day-to-day work.
  2. Aligning incentives to change with employee goals and aspirations.
  3. Leading by example.
  4. Encouraging an aging workforce to gain new expertise through learning and collaboration.
  5. Focusing on how and why new technology enables business goals and why employees should buy in.
  6. Moving toward a less rigid, more adaptive culture that supports innovation.

Is your organization breaking old processes and adopting new technology to support the connected enterprise? Check out the Network Exchange Blog to learn more.