Use Your Domestic Plan Abroad for a Low Daily Fee 

Starting Friday, AT&T is making it easier to stay connected when you travel.

With AT&T International Day PassSM, you can talk and text all you want, and use your data plan in over 100 countries, only paying for the days you use abroad.[i] Instead of being charged per minute, message, or megabyte while traveling, you‘ll pay just $10 a day per device for any 24-hour period you use your device in an International Day Pass country.

“Traveling has its own challenges. It’s great being able to use the domestic plan you’re familiar with while abroad,” said David Christopher, chief marketing officer, AT&T Entertainment Group. “AT&T International Day Pass simplifies travelers’ lives so they can enjoy more of their favorite mobile apps when on-the-go overseas. This helps with booking lodging, catching a ride, translating, navigating, video calling, using social media and more.”

With the new AT&T International Day Pass, simply:

  • Add to each device one time and it’s available whenever you travel within the 100+ countries unless you remove the feature.
  • Use in our most popular destinations in Europe, Asia and the Caribbean – like the U.K., France, Italy, China, India, Jamaica and the Bahamas – as well as all of Central and South America.
  • Access your plan data and get unlimited calls within International Day Pass countries and back to the U.S., as well as unlimited texts to the world at no additional charge.

Staying connected while abroad is now simpler than ever. Simply add AT&T International Day Pass to your devices on myAT&T.

*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.

[i] International Day Pass feature may be removed if international voice, text, or data usage exceeds 50% of total voice, text, or data usage for two consecutive months. Terms from your underlying domestic plan, including Stream Saver, fees and other restrictions apply. Terms subject to change. See for feature details.




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