AT&T Helps Students With Summer of Skills

During the summer, when students lack the day-to-day engagement they have during the school year, many valuable skills begin to slide. In fact, research estimates that in the summer following 3rd grade, students lose nearly 27% of their school-year gains in math. By the summer after 7th grade, students lose on average a whopping 50% of their school-year gains in math. For many students, these kinds of learning slides are cumulative and impact them later in their academic journeys, becoming an increasingly insurmountable hurdle.
At AT&T, we recognize that the summer can, instead, be a time to not only maintain STEM skills, but to accelerate progress. That’s why we’re supporting organizations across the country that connect young people to STEM skills development opportunities all summer long.
Organizations that make up AT&T’s Summer of Skills—All Star Code, Black Girls Code, Girl Scouts, Girls Who Code and Cyber Patriots—help young people develop a range of skills, including coding, robotics and digital citizenship. These skills are taught through different coding camps, immersion programs and bootcamps across the country.
Through our support, for example, Girls Who Code’s project-based summer immersion program will be coming to cities across the country, including Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, El Segundo, New York, Seattle and Washington, D.C. Each week of the program covers projects related to computer science, including art, storytelling, robotics, video games, and websites.
All Star Code, meanwhile, will host programs in New York, NY and Pittsburgh, PA, helping young men of color access the tools they need to succeed in a technological world. These 6-week programs cover topics such as game design, web development and databases, culminating in a participant’s demo day project.
At AT&T, we’re supporting and collaborating with innovative organizations that are focused on building skills that match the needs of the workforce, today and in the future. All summer long, we’ll be featuring the inspiring stories of the young participants in these programs. Follow @ATTImpact to learn more.