AT&T and The Prince’s Trust: Celebrating 10 Years

This year AT&T, The Prince of Wales Foundation and The Prince’s Trust are celebrating 10 years of working together to support youth in the UK.
The Prince’s Trust provides funding and guidance to unemployed young people in the UK so they can take control of their future. Youth unemployment is an ongoing social and economic challenge. Our programs help young people develop the key skills, confidence, and motivation they need to stabilize their lives. The programs give young people practical and financial support.
Today, three out of four young people supported by The Prince’s Trust move into work, education or training.
Since 2005, AT&T has contributed more than $500,000 to The Prince of Wales Foundation and The Prince’s Trust. The contributions have supported more than 200 young people. Young people like Shaun, whose story you can see here. Last year, AT&T’s contribution to the Prince of Wales Foundation supported 28 young people; 23 on the Enterprise programme and 5 of the most disadvantaged on the Fairbridge programme.
AT&T employees in Europe have become involved through our flagship fundraising challenge, the “Palace to Palace” cycle ride. Last year, an AT&T team of over 10 cyclists took part and raised more than $4,000. Employees also mentor young people hoping to start their own businesses. AT&T Sales Director John Muirhead has been a Prince's Trust business mentor and volunteer teacher for 5 years.
As John noted: “All of the young people that The Prince’s Trust helps come from challenging backgrounds. They haven’t had the advantages that many of us have, but they do have enormous potential.”
AT&T is a member of our Technology Leadership Group. It is a networking forum for business leaders who support The Prince’s Trust and want to make a difference to young people in the UK.
Youth education has been an AT&T priority for more than a century; we are really proud to have AT&T as a supporter of The Prince of Wales Foundation and The Prince’s Trust. Together we are making the most enormous difference to the lives of young people across the U.K.
Overall, The Prince of Wales’s charity has helped 750,000 young people since 1976 and supports over 100 more each day. For more information about The Prince’s Trust, click here.
Image: Team AT&T at the 2013 Palace to Palace cycle ride