AT&T is Pledging to End Distracted Driving — Starting at Home
By: Caitlyn Wooldridge, AT&T News Team
At AT&T, we’re a family.
September is IT CAN WAIT month. This week is pledge week. And this year, we’re looking to reach 16 million pledges in ‘16.
The AT&T family is leading the effort through the Do One Thing (DOT) movement. DOT is an internal campaign inspiring employees to stop and focus on improving themselves, their community and their jobs. Some commitments include eating better, cutting back on unnecessary water consumption and promoting stronger collaboration at work.
By choosing the IT CAN WAIT DOT, employees have not only pledged to end distracted driving, but have encouraged friends and family to do the same.
Take the pledge to your home. This week, think about your loved ones and their time on the road. Share the pledge with them, and let’s get to 16 million by the end of 2016!
Pledge to care for those around you and put your phone down while driving. Pledge to not drive distracted because distracted driving is NEVER OK.
And if you want to take your pledge to the next level, starting today, we’re also asking everyone who pledges to take our 21-Day Challenge. Learn more about the challenge!
Share your progress and spread the word using #ItCanWait on your social channels!