Equal Rights. Diverse Opportunities.

By: Caitlyn Wooldridge, AT&T News Team
Women play an integral role in our everyday lives.
They’re mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, lawyers, journalists, doctors, scientists, pilots, engineers, accountants... And 96 years ago today, they were recognized as citizens. They were granted the right to vote.
We’re celebrating National Women’s Equality Day by spotlighting the powerful women of AT&T—and their diverse roles.
Here are just some of their inspiring stories.
Jia Wang – Lead Inventive Scientist, AT&T Labs
I like to think of myself as a professional problem solver. Every day, I get to solve problems no one knows the answers to. And each solution leads to something better.
Read the rest of Jia's blog 6 Ways to Live with Impact.
Rita Marty – Executive Director, Chief Security Office
Women often suffer from the "imposter syndrome." They can often be the biggest doubters of their own abilities. Their male counterparts generally don't lack confidence in their abilities; therefore, many women miss out on key opportunities due to their own doubts.
Read the rest of Rita's interview AT&T Exec: It's Time to Stop Fearing Tech.
Cynt Marshall – Chief Diversity Officer
My mother always said none of her girls would make their money on the street. And I was blessed to accompany John Stephens a couple years ago when we celebrated our 30th anniversary on Wall Street.
I looked up and I said, "Oh my goodness." I mean I literally started crying. I started crying. I said, "Oh my goodness. I am making my money on the street—Wall Street.”
Watch Cynt's full interview Knocked Down But Never Out.
Brooks McCorcle – President, AT&T Partner Solutions
When you’re younger, there’s a natural inclination to want to grow up. You can’t wait for it. Tempted by the rush of the unknown. Thrill of the promises that accompany life after college. The burning desire to reach that next achievement.
That was me at 22 – focused on moving from milestone to milestone.
Read the rest of Brooks' blog #IfIWere22.
Kim Keating – AVP, Digital Care Strategy
My hope is that, one day, when my daughter takes her 12-year-old daughter to an engineering and technology camp, she’ll see a room filled with an equal mix of boys and girls and say, “I told you so.”
Read the rest of Kim's blog Inspire Her to Change the World.
Maria Lensing – Corporate Strategy VP, AT&T Business and International
Growing up in Lima, Peru, I knew I wanted to be a diplomat. I had this grand plan completely mapped out and, all of a sudden, life happened. My baby brother got cancer, and in order to save his life, we moved to the United States. When we relocated, so did my dreams.
Read the rest of Maria's blog You Can Engineer Your Dreams.
Jen Yates – AVP, AT&T Labs
I started learning how to play the flute when I was 7 and developed a passion for it. With the flute in my hand, I was a completely different person. I became comfortable and confident in front of any crowd because I loved creating music. Every time I played, I got lost in the notes. My parents couldn’t believe their eyes.
Read the rest of Jen's blog Striking the Right Note: How Music Led to My Career in STEM.
Rita Figueroa – Service Manager, Customer Relations
I think any time women feel empowered and strong, they're able to do anything.
Read the rest of Rita's story Changing Lives, One Round at a Time.
Ann Skudlark – Director of Inventive Science, AT&T Labs
There’s so much research that says you should try, because failing helps build the synapses in your brain that allow you to learn. You must believe that, “I can figure this out. I can do it.”
Read the rest of Ann's blog Not a “Math Person?” Think Again.
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