Check out the top stories from this past week, in case you missed it.



DIRECTV is now part of the AT&T family.  And that means we are better positioned than ever to give you the TV and video entertainment you want, on the screens you choose.


The Connect Ability Challenge is a three month long technology challenge to spur innovation for people with physical, social, emotional and cognitive disabilities.  63 software, wearable and other technology solutions aimed at enhancing the lives of people with disabilities were submitted by developers from 16 states and 15 countries. The $25,000 grand prize went to Kinesic Mouse, a software solution that uses a 3D camera to detect facial expressions and head rotations, allowing users to operate their personal computers hands-free.  Kinesic Mouse was also awarded the “Best Mobility Solution” category, bringing their total cash winnings to $35,000.


Rylee McDaris had just spoken with Lynzee Mobley, the granddaughter of the Texas woman whose life she helped save several weeks earlier.

Rylee is a new advanced tech support specialist at AT&T in customer care.