Next Stop Silicon Valley: My Journey to Becoming a Tech Superstar

Before I landed in Silicon Valley I quickly became aware that the upcoming experience would change the way I think and live my life for the future. My entrepreneurship professor nominated me for the trip after I helped develop a curriculum for students interested in creating startup companies.
I have travelled internationally to Canada and Guyana but domestically never as far west as California. On the plane I was lucky to be sitting next to Idaho State Representative Merrill Beyeler who knew little about my institution Howard University and even less about tech startups. As I expressed how important it was for me to learn more about the tech industry, I noticed how passionately I made my point. I consciously tried to inspire him through my story. I knew if I could affect his perception, I could make real strides at establishing a future career in technology.
Read more of Nigel Van Gronigen's blog: