Hosted by AT&T and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, 2016 Malaysia Developers’ Day is a contest that will challenge participants from Asia to create a mobile app within 24 hours.

Winners will share cash prizes worth US$13,000 (~MYR49,400) and Nanodegree scholarships worth US$10,000 (~MYR40,000) from AT&T and Udacity. Southeast Asian based early stage VC firm Golden Gate Ventures will also give each winning team six months of mentoring.

Last year’s event proved to be a success, with 128 participants and 18 new app ideas. This year, the organizers will invite creative minds in Asia to harness the Internet of Things (IoT) to build new apps with a special emphasis on machine learning and data analytics—to build an app. This year’s categories:

  • Smart city
  • Community 
  • Lifestyle

Participants can also use the powerful AT&T M2X IoT development platform. It offers a toolset to quickly create and refine prototypes, and cloud-based data storage to help collect, analyze and share IoT data.

To learn more about AT&T’s Developers’ Program, please visit:

To RSVP and see the full agenda, please visit:

To learn more about Nanodegrees, please visit:

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