It's National Volunteer Week

Together, AT&T employees volunteered more than 5.6 million hours in 2014. They inspire us every single day by their commitment to make an impact in their communities, and this week, we honor them.
Each volunteer has a powerful story to tell– like Margaret Trammel, who works for AT&T in Indianapolis. She’s one of more than 4,500 AT&T employees who received the 2014 President’s Volunteer Service Award for their community service.
“For me, it's the opportunity to positively affect someone's life. There are millions of good uses for our time, but knowing that I can make a difference in a child's life keeps me motivated. Each week, the kids I mentor through the AT&T Aspire Mentoring Academy and the Southport United Methodist Church bring me joy and laughter. They also sometimes bring me tears and frustration, but hope is always nearby. What they need from me changes every day. I am an ear when they need to talk, a shoulder when they need to cry, a support system to provide direction and encouragement, or a willing collaborator in their practical jokes - a personal favorite of mine. To me, mentoring is about being there for a child, no matter what they need. And my hope is that by providing my support, I am also showing them how they can help other people,” said Trammell.
This week during National Volunteer Week, our employees will be out in full force at volunteer events across the country. But all year round, whether it’s mentoring a child, stuffing backpacks for a family that doesn't have enough food or cleaning up a local park, they are making this world a better place.