Most of us have choices to make on a daily basis. What shirt to wear? Do I drive or take the bus? What will I have for lunch? Other people aren’t so lucky. Often young people with a lot to give, through no fault of their own, have had a tough start in life.

In the UK The Prince’s Trust helps turn their lives around. Since 1976, it has supported tens of thousands with training, education and employment opportunities.

AT&T works with the charity founded by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. This year colleagues around the Europe, and the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region entered our largest ever team in the charity’s annual Palace to Palace cycle ride.

AT&T President of Global Business Frank Jules led the date with royalty as more than 50 employees, supported by family and friends pedalled the 45 miles from Buckingham Palace in central London to Windsor Castle.

The team raised more than $17,000 along the way. Frank Jules commented, “The best part of the day is spending time with the AT&T team players. They came from all over EMEA to join us and we raised a lot of money. What a great day.”

Megan Sullivan is senior corporate relationship manager at The Prince’s Trust. “Collaborations like AT&T’s are vital to the work we do. This year’s effort by AT&T to really get behind that in the Palace to Palace was phenomenal.”