Service Innovation for the Customer

These products and services are fun hand-held examples of new technology. However, there are a variety of innovations that can help AT&T meet the needs of customers in new and exciting ways.
Many new technologies we’re seeing are tied to the trend of incremental innovation. These projects are small steps or tweaks we think can simplify an existing product or service.
For example, during major phone launches it’s important that our AT&T stores are stocked for customers. Managing retail store activity is usually slow and involves paper reports. These reports are hard to keep up with and don’t always show the latest information. Employees at AT&T came up with a new solution. Through the company’s online crowdsourcing platform, The Innovation Pipeline (TIP), they created a map that makes it possible to monitor store inventory live. Spanning rank, location and expertise, TIP brings together the creative talent of AT&T employees to drive innovation.
Visual Map offers an interactive view of AT&T’s inventory. Based on the product an AT&T truck is carrying and needs of the closest store, Visual Map can outline a route for delivery. A simple change to an existing process has saved millions. In turn, we’re able to rapidly respond and keep our stores stocked with the latest products.
Visual Map also helps AT&T in quickly locating parts for home phone networks that may need updating.
“Technology is moving away from simple reporting toward a more visual way of doing business,” said Noni Gonzalez, AT&T Assistant Vice President of Common Platforms and Technology Services. “Visual Map helps us make sure our customers have the latest products at their fingertips.”
What incremental innovations have you come up with lately? How are you bringing them to life?