“There’s nothing harder than burying your child.”

It was a long time ago, but the pain still feels fresh for customer care specialist Lesly-Ann O’Dell.

It was 20 years ago this month that her son Justin drowned at a family get-together. He was only 4 years old.

Life circumstances took Lesly-Ann away from where little Justin was buried, and she says that’s been difficult for her.

Just a few miles away, the Peterson family is commemorating the 5-year anniversary of their own loss. Their son Anthony, a sergeant in the U.S. Army, was shot and killed in Afghanistan. Anthony is buried in a national cemetery more than an hour from his family’s home.

Lesly-Ann doesn’t know the Petersons, but she wants to do something special for them.

Two families… two tragedies… one beautiful moment in an Oklahoma park.