Two AT&T Employees. Two Generations. OneReaction.
Community NETwork members share their thoughts about AT&T’s $1 Million contribution to the National Museum of African American History and Culture
By: M. Skylar Ezell, Public Relations Consultant, Global Marketing Organization
Imagine that you are one of the nearly 20% of AT&T’s black employee base, and you hear the news that your company contributed $1 million dollars to the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC).
How would you feel?
We decided to contact a couple Community NETwork ERG members to find out firsthand.
Meet Gerald King, a “baby boomer” who lived through the “baby bell” and civil rights eras.
We also spoke with a “millennial” employee Casharee Smith who has her very own take based on the current climate.
This weekend, our very own David Huntley, SVP and Chief Compliance Officer will be a part of the historic opening ceremonies for the museum.
Check out the news release about AT&T’s contribution, and read his thoughts about this momentous occasion here.
For more information on AT&T’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, visit
Photo Credit: Alan Karchmer/NMAAHC