What Energizes Us About Energy Management

The way companies and individuals use energy can significantly impact our planet. So we’ve taken important steps to evaluate and more efficiently manage our energy use.
Alternative fuels, renewable energy and innovative energy management solutions are just some of the sustainable solutions we use to positively affect our business and the planet.
In the U.S., transportation accounts for 28% of greenhouse emissions.1 Because AT&T operates one of the largest commercial fleets in the country, finding cleaner, more efficient methods of powering our vehicles is important to us and the environment.
We’re working toward our 2020 goal to reduce our fleet emissions by 30% compared to our 2008 baseline. And we’re doing it by deploying alternative fuel vehicles, streamlining fleet services and using technology to enhance efficiency and reduce fuel usage.
We’re also modernizing our network to meet the demands of the 21st century, starting with our transition from a copper-based network to fiber-based and that operates via Internet Protocol. This shift also helps improve our network’s energy efficiency and capacity.
And we’re also shifting control of our network from hardware to software – making our network faster, simpler and more scalable. As we modernize our network, we’re also modernizing our facilities and implementing thousands of energy efficiency projects that reduce our energy footprint and save money.
We’re making substantial strides on renewable energy. Earlier this year, we purchased 520 megawatts of renewable energy through 2 agreements with subsidiaries of NextEra Energy Resources. This power will come from wind farms in Texas and Oklahoma. And we’re proud to say it was constituted one of the largest corporate renewable energy purchases in the U.S.2 It is an initiative we are particularly proud to celebrate as we prepare for Earth Day.
Properly managing our energy is just one way we’re helping to create a better, more sustainable world. We’re working companywide to make our network, fleet and operations more efficient and we’ve set a goal to create carbon savings 10x the footprint of our operations by the end of 2025.
We’re also committing our resources and expertise in the Internet of Things (IoT) to help make cities cleaner, safer and stronger through smart cities. And, we’re helping our customers use IoT for Good, by connecting everything from trucks, to farm equipment, to city infrastructure and more.
Learn more about our sustainability programs and progress at about.att.com/csr.
1EPA, https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions#transportation, 2015
2Business Renewables Center (2017). BRC Deal Tracker. http://businessrenewables.org/corporate-transactions/