AT&T Launches Believe Tennessee Initiative
AT&T Launches ‘Believe Tennessee’ Initiative to Remove Barriers to Academic Success
$150,000 pledged to support post-secondary education
AT&T* is launching the Believe Tennessee℠ initiative to remove barriers to academic success and engage youth to have an impact in their communities by leveraging the resources of our local workforce.
The effort will focus on providing resources and tools to enhance educational opportunities while promoting academic achievement for Tennessee’s post-secondary students in an effort to prepare students for career pathways through partnerships with Tennessee’s community and technology colleges.
“Believe Tennessee combines the commitment and compassion of our employees with the strength of AT&T to help empower Tennessee’s young people with the skills and support they need to thrive and succeed,” said Joelle Phillips, president, AT&T Tennessee. “The most important contribution of Believe Tennessee is the engagement of our employees and working alongside the Tennessee Board of Regents we are excited to give back to the communities we have called home for more than 140 years.”
Believe Tennessee kicked off today with a commitment of $150,000 from the AT&T Foundation dedicated to its new initiative. The funds will be used to support student emergency funds across Tennessee’s 13 community colleges as well as equipment to support the IT programs at Tennessee’s 27 Colleges of Applied Technology. Students from Nashville State Community College joined AT&T employees at the announcement where they provided students from Buena Vista elementary school with supplies for the fall semester.
“We are grateful to AT&T for its support of public higher education and our students, who will benefit greatly from the company’s generosity,” said TBR Chancellor Flora W. Tydings. “The contribution will help our community and technical colleges provide the education and training necessary for our students to enter the workforce ready to succeed.” The Tennessee Board of Regents governs the state’s public community and technical colleges.
The Believe initiative will also create opportunities for job shadowing with AT&T Tennessee employees, giving students a better understanding of how their skills can be used once they enter the workforce. Additionally, AT&T employees will continue to organize school supply drives to benefit elementary students at various schools across the state.
“I am grateful for community partners like AT&T who are generous in their support for our Tennessee schools. Preparing our students to achieve their goals starts in the classroom, and by supporting schools with technology and funds, AT&T is helping to ensure that our students will succeed in their postsecondary opportunities,” Tennessee Commissioner of Education Penny Schwinn said.
Details regarding AT&T’s collaboration and volunteer work with additional schools will be released throughout the year.