Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions Connected by FirstNet
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High-Risk Patients Served by AllHealth CHOICE Remote Patient Monitoring Connected with FirstNet®
What’s the news? AllHealth CHOICE has chosen FirstNet®, Built with AT&T, to provide reliable and highly secure connectivity for 400 tablets used with the company’s remote patient monitoring (RPM) kits. The tablets transmit the vitals of high-risk patients with chronic or complex conditions. The patients’ oxygen levels, heart rate, blood pressure, and more, are collected by health devices included in the RPM kits, such as pulse oximeters and blood pressure monitors.
AllHealth CHOICE provides MyCharlie, an end-to-end solution-based platform for physicians. The MyCharlie remote health monitoring system helps reduce critical and catastrophic events by transmitting red flag and preventative information to the patient, medical providers, the AllHealth CHOICE team, and caregivers. Remote patient monitoring not only may improve care for these high-risk patients, but it also may reduce hospitalizations, readmissions, and healthcare costs.
Why is this important? As the healthcare industry works to lower costs and produce better patient outcomes, it’s turning to technology and innovation like remote patient monitoring. The reliable, highly secure FirstNet connectivity is critical for clinicians to access patient health data captured by the peripherals in RPM kits.
FirstNet is the only nationwide, high-speed broadband communications platform dedicated to and purpose-built for America’s first responders and the extended public safety community. It’s Built with AT&T in a public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) – an independent agency within the federal government.
AllHealth CHOICE joins FirstNet as an extended primary user - organizations and agencies that could be called on to help support public safety during emergency response. From mitigation, remediation, clean-up and restoration to the provisioning of other services required during the time of an emergency or its aftermath, extended primary users include healthcare, public works, essential government services, school security, transportation, and utilities. Eligibility for extended primary user status is rigorously reviewed before service is approved to help ensure that FirstNet’s unique capabilities remain dedicated to first responders and those who support them.
What are people saying? “If there’s one thing healthcare providers have learned from the pandemic, it’s the undeniable value of continuous connected care, especially for those with chronic conditions. Never has a highly secure, reliable connection been more important as the healthcare industry realizes the benefits of remote patient monitoring for both the patient and the provider.” – Joe Drygas, VP of AT&T Healthcare Industry Solutions
“Our representatives with AT&T have been proactive in meeting the needs of AllHealth CHOICE. The flexible packages and pricing options make it affordable for our team to provide continuous connected care to patients with chronic conditions in underserved communites through the use of our platform “MyCharlie.” AT&T services are critical for us to stay connected, not only to our participants and their Clinical Care Team, but also to the health providers we serve and to the vast network of healthcare systems.” – Ray Cross, CEO and president of AllHealth CHOICE.
FirstNet and the FirstNet logo are registered trademarks of the First Responder Network Authority. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.