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Bridging the Digital Divide

Believes workers mosaic 1
Laptop Distribution mosaic 2
Connected Learning mosaic 3
Connected Learning mosaic 4

Our Mission

AT&T has committed $5 billion by 2030 to narrow the digital divide and help 25 million people get and stay connected to affordable, high-speed internet access and digital resources.

Get Connected

Connecting more people in more places to high-speed internet

AT&T is the nation’s largest fiber internet provider1 With Fiber and 5G, we’ve aggressively expanded our coverage; increasing capacity, and strengthening network resiliency.

Access from AT&TSM makes the internet more affordable for customers by providing qualifying households with high-speed internet for $30 per month. This service includes Wi-Fi at no additional charge and does not include deposit fees.

AT&T Connected Learning CentersSM are located in nonprofit organizations across the country and provide free resources for community members, including high-speed internet, computers, training, and mentoring. We plan to open at least 100 Connected Learning Centers across the country by the end of 2027.

The Mobile Connectivity Center (MCC) is a 48-foot trailer created with the Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) to expand AT&T’s reach and bring connectivity directly to local communities in need. Since it launched in 2024, the MCC has hosted digital skills trainings for those who need it most, from students in Dallas to adult learners in Los Angeles. The MCC is also deployed for disaster relief and opens its doors to serve as a free space for community members to get online, charge their devices and stay connected.

AT&T advocates for public policies. to ensure that we can connect more people to more opportunities. For those areas hardest to reach with connectivity, public-private partnerships remain key to closing the gaps that still exist around the country.

Get Connected


DD access

Stay Connected

Providing tools, solutions and training to help people young and old safely and successfully navigate the online world

We work with nonprofits including Compudopt and Human-I-T to provide free refurbished computers and digital resources to qualifying community members in need. Since 2021, we’ve distributed more than 122,000 computers and Wi-Fi hotspots to students and families nationwide.

AT&T ScreenReady® is an initiative that provides tips and tools to help families safely manage their online experience, practice healthy digital habits and fully participate in today’s connected world. More than 369,400 people have utilized our digital literacy tools, courses and workshops.

Together with the Public Library Association and other collaborators, we offer digital literacy courses and workshops in public libraries and community settings to help individuals learn the basics and build confidence using technology.

We work with the National PTA to deliver free workshops to parents and caregivers and provide tools related to screen readiness and promoting a healthy digital home. We have also collaborated with the American Academy of Pediatrics to offer the PhoneReady Questionnaire and a free Family Media Plan to help parents and caregivers make informed decisions about technology use and to create healthy digital habits for their families.

The AchieverySM is an innovative and free educational online platform, which offers standards-aligned curriculum and entertaining videos for K-12 students everywhere they learn – at home, in the community or in their classrooms. More than 740,000 students have participated in learning with The Achievery.

Digital navigators are trusted individuals who support community members in getting online, including helping with home connectivity, devices and digital skills. We work with nonprofit organizations to train and deploy digital navigators to support those who need it most.


Connecting Changes Everything
DD Literacy

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  1. Based on publicly available data of the number of fiber-to-the-home households.