New Deal Expands the Potential of IoT Globally, Helping AT&T Business Customers Tap into the Chinese Market  

AT&T* and China Mobile have agreed to work together to further enable the Internet of Things (IoT). The deal will help AT&T global business customers connect and deploy their assets and offerings in the Chinese market.

We’re one of the first global operators to establish a relationship with China Mobile. The carrier covers more than 1.3 billion people with its 4G network. That makes it the largest 4G network in the world.

“China is one of the fastest growing markets. It holds incredible opportunity for our global business customers,” said Chris Penrose, President, Internet of Things Solutions, AT&T. “Working with China Mobile means we can further develop that opportunity. This makes it an even more exciting time to be in the IoT.”

So how will it work? Together, we’re developing a new tech platform that will seamlessly move a business customer’s AT&T IoT subscription over to China Mobile’s local service. The behind-the-scenes switch will help simplify the supply chain for our customers looking to expand to China. This will give them more speed to market and greater efficiency in driving new revenue streams. 

AT&T serves nearly 3.5 million business customers, helping them connect their devices around the world.

“We look forward to helping AT&T business customers bring their connected solutions to our market,” said Dr. Li Feng, Chairman & CEO, China Mobile International. “We believe this will help unlock new options and experiences for our customers while achieving one of our core goals – increasing the number of connected devices on our network.”

For more details on our global IoT opportunities, check out Follow all AT&T news at MWC at: or on Twitter @ATTbusiness.

*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.

About AT&T

AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) helps millions around the globe connect with leading entertainment, business, mobile and high speed internet services. We offer the nation’s best data network* and the best global coverage of any U.S. wireless provider.** We’re one of the world’s largest providers of pay TV. We have TV customers in the U.S. and 11 Latin American countries. Nearly 3.5 million companies, from small to large businesses around the globe, turn to AT&T for our highly secure smart solutions. 

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*Claim based on the Nielsen Certified Data Network Score. Score includes data reported by wireless consumers in the Nielsen Mobile Insights survey, network measurements from Nielsen Mobile Performance and Nielsen Drive Test Benchmarks for Q3+Q4 2016 across 121 markets.

**Global coverage claim based on offering discounted voice and data roaming; LTE roaming; and voice roaming in more countries than any other U.S. based carrier. International service required. Coverage not available in all areas. Coverage may vary per country and be limited/restricted in some countries.

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