By Skylar Ezell

Some incredible individuals with disabilities are pushing the limits of what they can do. They’re proving it with our technology. And we’re celebrating their victories with them. How? A 10-week campaign called AT&T Beyond Limits.

Visit to hear from 3 amazing people.  Learn the triumphs of 3-time Paralympic Gold Medalist Alana Nichols. Relive the victories of Rutgers University footballer and author Eric LeGrand. Experience the feats of extreme wheelchair athlete Aaron “Wheelz” Fotheringham.

We invite people with disabilities and beyond to share their Beyond Limits stories. Tell us how you’re living life beyond limits and using technology to do so. Submit your video story to the AT&T Beyond Limits contest at for a chance to win a trip to the United States Olympic Training Center this summer.

AT&T Beyond Limits is just another example of our commitment to supporting people of all physical and cognitive abilities – and creating technology that’s accessible to all. Our departments like the AT&T Corporate Accessibility Technology Office (CATO) collaborate with community partners to make this possible.  Learn more about our efforts to support all people with disabilities—inside the company and out—by visiting our online accessibility media resource.

To learn about AT&T Beyond Limits, visit You can also follow the campaign and share your own Beyond Limits story on social media using #BeyondLimits and tagging @ATT. 

Skylar Ezell, Public Relations Consultant, Global Marketing Organization