AT&T is continuing to lead innovation for smart cities with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology. We’re teaming up with several organizations to connect communities everywhere. Learn more.

What if the next few seconds you spend on social media could save a life?

New research from AT&T shows how we can influence our closest contacts. And tagging these people on social may be the perfect way to get their attention.

We’re encouraging the public to pledge to keep their eyes on the road, not their phones. And  we released new research showing how our voices can make a difference. What we found was surprising!

Whether you live in a house with a yard or an apartment in the city, you deserve a smarter way to manage your home. AT&T Digital Life is now available to customers in Multi-Dwelling Units (buildings like apartments and condos that share walls with one another) in all 83 of Digital Life’s current markets.