There is a popular technology trend for small businesses that resembles a DIY diorama project. High-speed Internet self-installations offer small businesses the option to install their high-speed Internet themselves rather than scheduling a visit from a technician to do the job. The self-install option offers customers the potential flexibility to do it on their own terms, and on their own schedule, often at a reduced cost. Self-install can limit the disruption to the business from an outside source and speed the process  – the equipment is shipped and the customer can install it on their terms.

Consider these 3 questions before making the decision:

  1. Does your business have someone who is technically savvy with previous installation experience? 
  2. Can you afford potential down time during the day? 
  3. Have you evaluated the cost-benefit of a technician-install versus self-install? 

To get even more info and answers to these questions, check out our Networking Exchange Blog.

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