Leading By Example: Supporting Our Veterans

By: Martha Johnson, ACP President
American Corporate Partners (ACP) is a non-profit organization that pairs post-9/11 veterans in mentorships with experienced corporate professionals to work on career development goals. Since 2008, more than 10,000 veterans have benefited from this program because of the dedication and support from ACP Partner Companies like AT&T.
Throughout a 35-year career in both the corporate world and government, I’ve seen the positive impact veterans make in the civilian sector. It’s crucial we continue to support the veteran community in their journey back to civilian life. A mission that AT&T has supported through several veteran-focused initiatives
ACP and AT&T have maintained a terrific collaboration supporting veterans through career mentoring since 2010. In that time, over 300 AT&T employees and post-9/11 veterans have worked in a one-on-one year-long mentorships.
There are 78 active mentorships today and another 100 AT&T employees have provided professional guidance to thousands of veterans online via ACP's networking site AdvisorNet.
ACP has seen the extensive and creative commitment AT&T makes to our nation’s veterans. Beyond mentoring veterans with ACP, the company hires veterans, supports their career development and invests in veteran-owned businesses.
The record is impressive.
From 2013 to 2016, AT&T hired 12,000 veterans, exceeding its goal to hire 5,000 veterans within 5 years. Since then, CEO Randall Stephenson set an even higher bar. The company announced that it aims to hire 20,000 veterans by 2020.
Additionally, the AT&T Veterans Leadership Series matches senior AT&T executives with veteran employees to offer practical advice on career, training and business acumen.
Each year, ACP recognizes an ACP Partner Company that leads by example. This applies to recruiting, hiring, training and retaining returning U.S veterans so they can have lasting careers – and AT&T walks the walk.
In light of this on-going and notable record, it is our pleasure to present the ACP Award for Excellence in Veteran Engagement and Integration to Randall Stephenson and AT&T.
Hats off to all at AT&T who have championed our returning military service members.