Portable Peace of Mind

At least one-third of adults over 65 in North America fall each year and this is a serious issue that often leads to many other severe and chronic concerns for older adults.* To provide peace of mind for the elderly and their families, AT&T EverThere®, a small wearable device, can detect falls and quickly identify location. EverThere will be available at www.att.com/everthere beginning Wednesday, Dec. 4.
When a fall occurs, AT&T EverThere® can detect a fall and automatically connect to a 24/7 call center for response and support, using the AT&T wireless network.

This personal emergency response system (PERS) in one simple, mobile solution is durable, lightweight, easy to setup and has a rechargeable battery. The device is hands-free and allows two-way voice communication with the call center for fast assistance. The device also offers GPS location service that helps first responders determine where a fall has occurred.
Read more about the EverThere® device in the complete news release.
*Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Older Adult Falls - Falls Among Older Adults: http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/adultfalls.html