Save $120 a Year Off DIRECTV Bill When You Add AT&T Digital Life

You can now get $10 off of your monthly DIRECTV bill when you add AT&T Digital Life home security and automation services.
The discount is stackable. It works with other offers, including the All in One plan that offers DIRECTV and wireless services. And, it doesn’t matter if you are already a DIRECTV or Digital Life customer or if you are adding both services for the first time.
$10/MO. DIRECTV BILL CREDIT: Must be Digital Life & DIRECTV customer. Credit approval req’d. New DIRECTV customers must activate svc (SELECT pkg or higher) w/ 24-mo. agm’t. Credit begins w/in 60 days of install’n/upgrade of both svcs. Existing Digital Life customers must call & request credit. Limit 1 monthly credit per DIRECTV bill. DIGITAL LIFE SVC TERMS: Lt’d avail. in select markets. New 2-yr Smart Security agmt w/ equip fees and monthly svc charges req’d. Each automation pkg req’s sep. 2-yr agmt w/ separate equip. fee & monthly svc charges. AT&T Certified Like New equip. provided. Early Termination (up to $840) and other fees, charges, taxes and restr’s apply. If cancel prior to or w/in 14 days of install’n, must return all eqpt & restocking fee up to $99 may apply. Svc restr’s apply; Digital Life equip. may be incompatible w/ some homes. Prices, features & offers subj. to change without notice. Install. performed by licensed personnel where req’d by law. See for complete details. Gen. DIRECTV Svc Terms: Subj. to Eqpt Lease Agm’t & DIRECTV Customer Agm’t. Pro-rated ECF fees (up to $480) & Eqpt Non-Return fees apply for TV. Must maintain a base TV pkg of $29.99/mo. or above or international svc bundle. $19.95 Handling & Delivery fee & non-activation charge of $150/receiver may apply. Taxes not incl’d. Visit or call 1-800-DIRECTV for details.