We're Here to Help You
Reporting Fraud and Alerting Credit Bureaus
Cyber Aware describes many different types of fraud and cybersecurity threats. Learn about the various ways to report each type of fraud and better protect yourself.
Do Not Call List
Adding your phone number to the National Do Not Call Registry can help reduce the number of unwanted or automated "robocalls" you receive.
Videos and Interactive Resources
Our videos and slideshows help explain complex issues and share ways to better protect yourself.
Terms & Definitions
SMiShing, spoofing and porting, oh my! We know these terms can be confusing, so we've compiled a list of common words and phrases you may encounter.
Tips & Information
There are many things you can do to help protect yourself from fraud and keep your accounts and devices safe. Use these tips and information to get started — or confirm what you already know.
Cybersecurity Connections
Just as we are working together to improve your cybersecurity, there are others we join in an effort to curb fraud and improve cybersecurity.
Help Keep AT&T Secure
Identify and report security vulnerabilities via HackerOne to earn monetary rewards from AT&T’s Bug Bounty Program.