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The Building a GradNation Summit is the annual focal point of the GradNation Campaign, a large and growing movement of dedicated individuals, organizations and communities pulling together to empower more young Americans to graduate from high school on time and ready for college and careers.  The campaign was launched in 2010 by America’s Promise Alliance with an ambitious goal: achieving a 90 percent high school graduation rate nationwide by 2020.

Since beginning this journey, the annual Building a GradNation report served as an invaluable roadmap. It helps us take a look at where we’ve been, what we’ve accomplished, and most importantly, which insightful solutions we should consider as we move forward.


Today, we celebrate a very important milestone from this year’s report.  For the second year in a row, America is on track to reach the 90 percent graduation goal by 2020, and for the first time in our history, we have passed the milestone of 80 percent of young Americans graduating from high school.

To read more about this exciting news, view our complete C&S blog post or GradNation's news release.