Before her Hollywood career heated up, legendary actress, writer and activist Ruby Dee had a completely different kind of job. She was an employee for one of AT&T’s legacy companies during World War II.

This is only one of the pivotal moments that AT&T 28 Days will feature for our Black History Month celebration. Among other historical moments, see a photo of young Ruby Dee soldering wires on an assembly line at Western Electric in 1943. One part of this year’s program, Moments that Matter, will showcase many moments that make up our present.

We launched 28 Days 8 years ago to highlight inspirational stories like Dee’s during February. It has a mission: to honor leaders of the past in 2016.

But AT&T 28 Days is not just looking back.  It’s also a celebration of today.  We highlight R&B singer Monica and Sam’s Club CEO Rosalind Brewer—and others who are breaking barriers.  Find these powerhouses in The Framework section of our digital portal.

Experience the change—past and present:

  • Moments that Matter
    Moments that Matter gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at black history. See rare images like Dr. Lincoln Hawkins working in historic Bell Labs. And recent victories like the Williams sisters winning Olympic gold medals in tennis. Watch each week as new images pop up along with unique stories. People can share their own personal moments that matter using #ATT28Days.

  • The Framework
    The Framework focuses on the accomplishments of today’s leaders. Businessman Rey Ramsey, lifestyle coach Paul Brunson and others share their success tips. A total of 8 stories will roll out with special video clips. Each will feature first-hand advice.  Gain insight on finding inspiration and working with mentors.

  • Network Support
    We show our commitment to the African American community through our community partnerships. In the Network Support section of the site, visitors can learn more about organizations that help create change. These groups include the National Urban League, National Action Network and the U.S. Black Chambers. They provide resources for both education and empowerment. Check them out to access training and tools to become a change agent in your community.

It’s an honor to share the stories behind the people and moments that make Black History every day. Visit our website at to learn more. Also, follow and join the conversation on social media using #ATT28Days.