May 24 is National Asparagus Day! AT&T is celebrating the occasion with the release of a new case study – one that shows how Devine Organics is using less water to grow more asparagus thanks to WaterBit and AT&T.

Motivated to grow the finest fruits and vegetables in drought-stricken California, Devine Organics turned to WaterBit and AT&T to help drive innovation and efficiency in its high-volume asparagus crop. Using WaterBit’s small solar-powered irrigation solution and AT&T’s Internet of Things (IoT) technology, Devine Organics can access and analyze information on soil moisture and field conditions from a user-friendly mobile app, enabling it to control irrigation with incredible precision.

“AT&T IoT technology is enabling the next generation of good,” says Shiraz Hasan, Vice President – IoT Solutions at AT&T, “Using our connectivity to work with companies like Devine Organics and WaterBit allows us to help address significant social and environmental challenges and deliver benefits for customers and our world.”

The smart farming solutions – installed on 40 acres for one growing season – has the potential to save more than 750,000 gallons of water. That’s equivalent to more than 43,000 Americans skipping a shower for a day. And what’s even better: Devine Organics harvested nearly twice as much asparagus from that field.

To learn more about how WaterBit and AT&T are helping to conserve water and give a boost to organic farmers like Devine Organics, check out this blog by AT&T’s Swathy Ramaswamy, Lead Product Marketing Manager, IoT for Good. Happy Asparagus Day!