Do you want to get a jump start on spring cleaning?

Start with the one item that’s almost always with you – your smartphone. Connected devices often serve as our close companions and virtual closets. They store our emails, photos, documents and apps. From time to time, it’s good to clean up and organize your smartphone.

Check out these tips to help boost your smartphone’s performance and battery life.

  1. Clean Your Phone: Clean your phone with a microfiber cleaning cloth. Use a wrung-out disinfectant wipe or spray a paper towel with disinfectant to clean away germs and bacteria. Don’t spray the phone.
  2. Delete Unused Apps: Even though you may not be actively using an application, it can still be running along with other apps. This can silently drain the battery. Close or quit those unused apps. And if you no longer use the apps, delete them. This also frees up space for new apps or more photos and videos.
  3. Organize Your Apps: Create folders by category: Travel, Weather, News, Social Media, Photography, etc. And place apps used most frequently on your home screen.
  4. Declutter Your Inbox:  Unsubscribe from any emails you don’t open. Create a digital filing system with folders so emails are moved to the appropriate category. Consider deleting any emails over 2 weeks old.
  5. Clean Up Your Contact List: Review your address book and toss out the contacts you no longer use to free up space.
  6. Offload Your Photos: Smartphones make it easy to capture and record life’s moments. But, photos and videos can take up a lot of space. For those who can’t bear to delete even one photo or video consider a memory card.

AT&T Reuse & Recycle Program

Don’t know what to do with all those outdated cords, plugs and wireless phones? Donate them to AT&T Reuse & Recycle Program.

You can safeguard human health and our natural environment by recycling your e-waste. Through the AT&T Reuse & Recycle program, you can bring unwanted wireless phones, smartphones, accessories and batteries (regardless of the manufacturer or carrier) to AT&T company-owned retail stores for recycling.

If the phone still has value, AT&T provides a trade-in service. At company-owned retail stores, AT&T lets customers turn in old wireless phones and receive an AT&T promotion card or donate the value to the charity Cell Phones for Soldiers.

AT&T has a long-standing history of supporting Cell Phones for Soldiers – an initiative that uses funds from recycled cell phones to buy prepaid phone cards for active duty military members to help connect them with their families.