AT&T Business and Barbara Corcoran Guide Small Businesses on the Power of Being Customer-Centric in 2021 Free Webinar Series

‘Business Unusual’ Webinars Presented by AT&T Business Continue March 24 with Barbara Corcoran Hosting; Special Guests include AT&T’s Stacey Marx and ABC News’ Rebecca Jarvis
What’s the news? AT&T Business and Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group and notable “Shark” on ABC’s Shark Tank, are extending their insightful, informative and free webinar series, “‘Business Unusual’, Smart Ideas for Small Business—Presented by AT&T Business,” starting on March 24. The 2021 continuation of this highly successful series features 4 new webinars hosted by Barbara Corcoran that can help small businesses learn how to acquire new customers, keep the customers they already have and succeed in today’s rapidly changing business environment.
Each of the 4 webinars will feature recognized, widely trusted business experts sharing advice that can help small businesses improve the customer experience: a key differentiator that can make or break their businesses. According to a 2020 report from Forbes Insight and Arm Treasure Data, 74% of consumers are somewhat or very likely to buy from a company based entirely on their experience – regardless of the price or product. And 77% consider a company’s customer experience to be just as important as the quality of its products or service.
Why is this important? On the heels of historical levels of federal government economic stimulus – a record $5.2 trillion since March 2020 - U.S. GDP is estimated to grow 5.95% in 2021, the fastest in 40 years, according to a recent survey of more than 60 economists by The Wall Street Journal. Business experts participating in “‘Business Unusual’, Smart Ideas for Small Business—Presented by AT&T Business” will be offering practical guidance that can help small businesses seize the moment to grow their business as the economy restarts.
The Who/What/When/Where: Each of these webinars will be livestreamed and hosted by Barbara Corcoran, airing at 1:00 p.m. CDT on its respective date. Webinar dates and themes are listed below.
- March 24 – Reimagining the small business model.
- Guests include Stacey Marx, President, AT&T National Business & Channels and Rebecca Jarvis, ABC News’ Chief Business, Economics and Technology Correspondent
- May 19 – How to grow your customer base.
- August 25 – Enhancing the customer experience in a digital space.
- October 6 – How to gain trust and build customer loyalty.
Recordings of the 4 webinars will be made available soon after their original air date. A whopping 94% of participants across all 12 webinars in the 2020 edition of the series expressed a “willingness to recommend” it to others.
How do I sign up? Users can register to view every webinar live on their respective dates at at no cost. They can also submit questions they want answered during the March 24 stream 2 different ways – by responding to any of Barbara’s social media posts about the new webinar series with their questions or by calling 1-888-BARBARA.
A video of highlights of last year’s 12 webinars can be viewed here.
Barbara Corcoran, founder, The Corcoran Group
“There’s 5.2 trillion reasons for business owners to be highly optimistic, thanks to record federal stimulus over the last 12 months. As the new normal emerges, success will be earned by those businesses that carefully navigate the waters of customer acquisition, retention and experience based on wise decisions about their business models and the technology capabilities that will propel them forward. We’re going to cover that and more in the webinars sponsored by AT&T Business.”
Stacey Marx, President, AT&T National Business & Channels
“Digitally-savvy small businesses that adopt fast, reliable and highly-security connectivity to gird a seamless, sticky digital and physical customer experience will be the winners in 2021. These businesses will find new customers and deepen customer loyalty by winning hearts, minds and a greater share of customer spend.”
Barry Moltz, Small Business Expert, Author and Consultant
“The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated by 10x the requirement for small businesses to digitally transform their companies. The “‘Business Unusual’, Smart Ideas for Small Business—Presented by AT&T Business” webinars can help every business determine a winning approach to digital evolution so they can thrive in our post-pandemic world.”
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1 – Data as of March 15, 2021 from