NBC Olympics, a division of the NBC Sports Group, will again utilize AT&T* networking services and integrated solutions for its production of the Games of the XXXI Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 5-21. NBC Olympics will use AT&T Private Line, Ethernet Private Line and Video Broadcast, to deliver high-definition coverage of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio. 

AT&T’s work with NBC Olympics is in addition to AT&T’s ongoing support and sponsorship of the United States Olympic Committee. Since 1984, AT&T has worked with Team USA and Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls to keep them connected to coaches, family, friends and fans as they train and compete around the world.

AT&T will provide ultra-reliable and dedicated communications services to NBC Olympics. The AT&T Global Network will help route the excitement in Rio back to viewers watching coverage produced by NBC Olympics. 

“NBC Olympics is committed to bringing to our viewers the best possible and most wide-ranging viewing experience. We are pleased that, for the 10th time, AT&T will be providing the network and support that helps ensure we meet that commitment,” said Bob Kiraly, director, Broadcast Telecommunications Operations, NBC Olympics.

"For the 10th consecutive Olympic Games, our network will help enable NBC Olympics to present their coverage to viewers,” said Frank Jules, president, AT&T Global Business. "We know this business intimately and have the capabilities and scope to give viewers a seamless viewing experience on their screen of choice.”

For more information on NBC Olympics’ coverage of the Rio Olympics, visit: http://nbcsportsgrouppressbox.com/.

For more information about AT&T services, visit http://www.att.com.

*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.

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