We Don’t Live in A 2D World… Neither Should Public Safety.

“Where are you?”
When first responders ask, it’s often a matter of life and death. And simply put, for public safety, a map doesn’t cut it. That’s why we’ve unveiled Z-Axis for FirstNet® to modernize public safety and address the most pressing needs for our first responders. That’s why we’re bringing new “vertical axis” indoor spatial awareness capabilities to first responders – and it’s only available on FirstNet, America’s public safety network.
Our Z-Axis capability is the next evolution of FirstNet Enhanced Location Services (ELS), designed to assist with identifying where a first responder is located within a building. Z-Axis location data provides the first responder with the vertical reference point in terms of height above terrain (HAT) to indicate the relative altitude or vertical location of the first responder and their team members.
FirstNet ELS provides first responders and public safety agencies with 3D location by combining device-based X, Y location with our new Z-Axis location data. Used with indoor 3D map models and leading situational awareness applications, Z-Axis introduces a new level of indoor spatial awareness not previously available using traditional GPS-based location methods.
“With Z-Axis, the ability to determine where a police officer or firefighter is within a structure is a major jump in the safety of first responders,” said Chief Al Gillespie (Ret), past president IAFC, president Public Safety Broadband Technology Association. “This technology helps to pinpoint their location and provide quicker relief and safety for those first responders.”
This is critical for firefighters, law enforcement officers and more. They put their lives on the line to protect our communities, and this new solution will not only enhance service to citizens but help better ensure responder safety.
Z-Axis for FirstNet is different from a Z-Axis capability for use in wireless services provided to the general public in that the latter require a separate infrastructure to enable the solution.
Our Z-Axis capability uses NextNav Pinnacle vertical positioning service and is now available in more than 105 markets across the country, including cities like Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. And we’re adding more markets weekly. It is the first such service to be offered to public safety and is exclusively available to FirstNet subscribers.
Z-Axis is not a stand-alone service, rather it is an enhanced feature within key our portfolio of FirstNet devices, apps and solutions. Intrepid Networks’ Response for FirstNet, a situational awareness platform, is the first to bring our Z-Axis capability to market.
And just imagine how many more public safety communications challenges can be solved when combining Z-Axis with our new, exclusive FirstNet MegaRange™ solution. Learn more about it in our latest blog post here.
For more information on how to get FirstNet Z-Axis, go to FirstNet.com.
FirstNet and the FirstNet logo are registered trademarks and service marks of the First Responder Network Authority. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.