In Case You Missed It

This week, we talked golf, basketball and celebrated Internet of Things Day. Here's a recap, in case you missed it.
AT&T is giving you the best view in the gallery by mobilizing your passion for one of the game’s premiere events. By simply visiting on your desktop, laptop or mobile browser, you can catch all the action.
Two words: Data Swoosh
April 9 was IoT Day, an industry-wide initiative designed to spark more conversation, awareness and excitement around the Internet of Things (IoT).
At AT&T, IoT innovation is part of what we do every day. IoT is one of the fastest-growing technology trends, where all types of devices and machines are connected and “talking” to one another.
We pioneered mobile technology to change the way people live, work and play. In 2009, we were the first telecom company to establish an Emerging Device Organization, followed shortly thereafter by establishing our M2M Organization - which are now combined as our IoT Solutions team. We’ve also certified more than 2,200 types of connected devices. Learn more here.