Where can I find the prices and other fees that apply to the AT&T mass market broadband internet access services?

Descriptions of the prices and fees applicable to the AT&T mass market broadband internet access services are available on the AT&T website. For more information, please see the following:

Rates and Data Plan Pricing Information

Early Termination Fees

Where can I find the Terms of Service and the Acceptable Use Policy that apply to the AT&T mass market broadband internet access services?

The Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy applicable to the AT&T mass market broadband internet access services are available on the AT&T website at the following links:

Terms of Service

Acceptable Use Policy

Does AT&T have a privacy policy for its mass market broadband internet access services?

Yes. At AT&T, we take our customers' privacy very seriously. We have a comprehensive Privacy Policy that applies to all uses of AT&T products and services. This Privacy Policy identifies and describes the way AT&T uses and protects the information we collect about customers and users. You can view the AT&T Privacy Policy at www.att.com/privacy.

Where can I get assistance if I have a concern or need more information about my AT&T broadband internet access service?

If you have questions or concerns about your mass market AT&T broadband internet access service, please contact us at www.att.com/contactus.

Where can application developers and device manufacturers get more information about developing applications or devices for use on the AT&T mobile network?

If you are a device manufacturer, AT&T has a range of tools and resources available to help you design, test, and market your devices. Please click here to visit our website for device manufacturers.

Application developers may contact us for information about developing applications for use on AT&T’s network.

Where can I get assistance if I have a concern or need more information about peering with AT&T?

If you have questions about peering with AT&T, please contact us at http://www.corp.att.com/peering.

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