Our Labs scientists and engineers are some of the brightest minds in the industry who are improving lives and making an impact in our communities. Join our team and help shape the future of connectivity.
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Life at
AT&T Labs
“I joined AT&T in September 2021, as a full-time position with AT&T Labs under Tracy Liu’s team. Prior to AT&T, I was a graduate student researcher performing research towards a Ph.D. degree in Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Davis, and will graduate by March 2022. I have had productive time and learned much knowledge from my team since I joined the labs. My supervisor is willing to offer me sufficient space to explore and learn and my colleagues show great patient to carefully walk me through documentation whenever I have questions.”
Jerry Yen
Senior Memeber of Technical Staff
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“I joined AT&T labs in January 2022, finishing my PhD in Computer Networking from University of California, Davis. Prior to that, I had a summer internship opportunity which gave me a glimpse of how researchers and engineers help to shape the future of mankind powered by technology. In this time of global connectivity and automation, I could not be more excited to join my team in AT&T labs which works relentlessly to build a customer-focused autonomous network backed up by data. I am assigned to projects with objective to automatically anticipate, detect, and resolve possible customer issues with the help of AI/ML. Since I joined AT&T labs, every day I am learning new skills, making new connections, and working with leaders and colleagues who are helping me grow as a better researcher.”
Tanjila Ahmed
Senior Member of Technical Staff
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“I joined AT&T Labs in October 2021. Earlier I have spent more than 25 years at Bell Labs Research, Nokia Mobile Network CTO, and Bell Labs Consulting both in leadership roles and working on diverse areas such as modeling service applications, network analytics and performance, and end-to-end all-IP wireless network architectures. I have also led and worked on 4G, 5G and IEEE standards. AT&T Labs provides a perfect environment to continue work on a diverse set of cutting edge problems to provide innovative solutions for a future of converged and ubiquitous connectivity.”
Ajay Rajkumar
Principal Member of Technical Staff
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Industry initiatives
and community partnerships
Industry and university collaborations are an important part of AT&T Labs, giving us the opportunity to solve real-world technology challenges more efficiently and holistically.

Northeastern University: RAN-aware low-latency video streaming
In this project, we focus on exploring the optimization of of low-latency video streaming over wireless which presents very different challenges compared to traditional on-demand videos. The team at Northeastern’s end-to-end testbed with open-source video server/player and RAN environment allows us to experiment different solutions including bandwidth prediction and RAN prioritization through network slicing and/or scheduling.
UC Davis: Network security at home
Ever-increasing number in IoT and smart devices connected to home networks opens a door to attackers to compromise confidentiality, availability as well as privacy. This project aims at providing a secure home network environment for our clients. We investigate the potential threats and explore security vulnerabilities existing in the current home network architecture. Based on the studies on threats, AI-enabled countermeasures that consider users, use-cases, service and network providers are developed and trained by using empirical data.
Virginia Tech and George Mason University
The project involves setting an end-to-end O-RAN testbed capable of interfacing with hardware software-defined radios (SDRs) by exploiting the existing CORNET testbed infrastructure at VT. This infrastructure will allow us to develop and evaluate end-to-end performance of different ML-based near-realtime xApps that optimize user quality of experience based on the learning of their behavior and/or latency constraint.
Purdue University: 5G architecture design
In our collaboration with Purdue, we are trying to understand and characterize the 5G cellular network domain. The characterization study will reveal insights into performance including latency, throughput, and scalability bottlenecks of realistic 5G workloads on a contemporary 5G core architecture design (specifically, 5GC Service-Based Architecture or SBA), commercially deployed today. The research includes analysis of effects of 5G control events load caused by different capabilities, including massive machine communication, critical machine communication, and enhanced mobile broadband.